Imperativo con i pronomi
Tu form, with direct pronouns
- “Prendilo!” - “Take it!”
- “Guardalo!” - “Look at it!”
- “Leggilo!” - “Read it!”
- “Scrivilo!” - “Write it!”
- “Mangialo!” - “Eat it!”
- “Bevilo!” - “Drink it!”
- “Aiutaci!” - “Help us!”
Imerative, sencond person singular, with indirect pronouns
- “Scrivimi!” - “Write to me!”
- “Telefonaci!” - “Call us!”
- “Spiegaci!” - “Explain to us!”
- “Parlaci!” - “Talk to us!”
- “Mostrami!” - “Show me!”
- “Chiamaci!” - “Call us!”
- “Dicci!” - “Tell us!”
- “Dammelo!” - “Give it to me!”
- “Scrivimelo!” - “Write it to me!”
- “Leggimelo!” - “Read it to me!”
- “Mostramelo!” - “Show it to me!”
- “Spiegamelo!” - “Explain it to me!”
- “Dimmelo!” - “Tell it to me!”
- “Fammelo vedere!” - “Let me see it!”
- “Portamelo!” - “Bring it to me!”
- “Ricordamelo!” - “Remind it to me!”
- “Prendimelo!” - “Take it for me!”
- “Prenditelo!” - “Take it for yourself!”
- “Leggitelo!” - “Read it for yourself!”
- “Mostratelo!” - “Show it to yourself!”
- “Preparatelo!” - “Prepare it for yourself!”
- “Fattelo!” - “Do it yourself!”
- “Guardatelo!” - “Look at it yourself!”
- “Scopritelo!” - “Discover it yourself!” (can also be, “you guys discover it,” with accent on ‘pri’ )
- “Assaggiatelo!” - “Taste it yourself!”
- “Sbrigatelo!” - “Hurry up yourself!”
- “Daglielo!” - “Give it to him/her!”
- “Prendiglielo!” - “Take it for him/her!”
- “Mostraglielo!” - “Show it to him/her!”
- “Portaglielo!” - “Bring it to him/her!”
- “Raccontaglielo!” - “Tell it to him/her!”
- “Spiegaglielo!” - “Explain it to him/her!”
- “Scriviglielo!” - “Write it to him/her!”
- “Ricordaglielo!” - “Remind it to him/her!”
- “Mostracelo!” - “Show it to us!”
- “Raccontacelo!” - “Tell it to us!”
- “Scrivicelo!” - “Write it to us!”
- “Diccelo!” - “Tell us!”
- “Leggicelo!” - “Read it to us!”
- “Spiegacelo!” - “Explain to us!”
- Portatevelo! - “Bring it yourselves!”
- Guardatevelo! - “look at it yourselves!”
- Assaggiavelo! - “Taste it yourselves!”
- Provatevelo! - “Try it on yourselves!”
- Fatevelo! - “Do it for yourselves!”
- Scopritevelo! - “Discover it yourselves!”
- “Spiegaglielo!” - “Explain it to them!” (also, explain to him/her)
- “Scriviglielo!” - “Write it to them!”
- “Ricordaglielo!” - “Remind it to them!”